081: Part 4 - The End of the World/Year Podcast

  Part Four of this extended, end of the year, end of the world podcast features three magicians who are staunch members of world-wide magic societies. In particular, it is interesting to hear the quite opposing viewpoints of their organizations from the Presidents of the S.A.M. and the I.B.M.

00:00:00 - Chris Bontjes, President of the Society of American Magicians discusses his past five months in office, what he and the organization have accomplished, the redesign of their website, membership advances, focus on the youth, next year’s convention in Washington D.C., what he has planned for the balance of his administration, a look at a new $3MM liability insurance program the S.A.M. will roll out in February 2013, and more. http://magicsam.com/

00:20:25 – John Pye, International President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, talks about his term in office, his accomplishments as well as the goals and future of the I.B.M. https://www.magician.org/

00:34:52 – Will Houstoun, Editor of The Magic Circular which is the official journal for The Magic Circle (TMC), joins us from London and talks about TMC activities, the status of any changes to the journal, Circle award winners, and highlights from “across the pond” during this past year that made the news and the “telly”

Part 4 The End of the World/Year Podcast
Scott Wells

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