080: Part 3 - The End of the World/Year Podcast

  Part Three of this “Ginormous” podcast features more great conversations with three more influential magicians. You can hear our chats beginning at the following times:

00:00:00 – Gabe Fajuri, President of Potter & Potter Auctions talks about what people are buying and selling for or from their magic collections and what brings the top dollars. He also gives us a sneak preview of a couple upcoming auctions for 2013 including the Cardini auction which promises to be historic. http://www.potterauctions.com/

00:14:07 Stan Allen, Editor and Publisher (and Custodian) of MAGIC Magazine, Stan Allen talks about digitizing his magazine and the multi-media content that is offered each month online and via digital devices. He also gives his look into the future of the magic magazine industry possibly joining forces??? http://www.magicmagazine.com/

00:32:54 – Kozmo chats about his ongoing, six-year-old digital magazine, Reel Magic. We talk about stealing intellectual material and how easy (and wrong) it is to rip off others’ material that they work hard to produce and then post it on the internet or distribute it among friends. Kozmo has an interesting way of how he hopes to combat this crime. He will soon offer some online content and streaming that will only be available to subscribers. http://reelmagicmagazine.com/

Part 3 - The End of the World/Year Podcast
Scott Wells

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