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If you enjoy listening to The Magic Word podcasts, then consider supporting us by becoming a sustaining patron and regularly contributing a few dollars a month to help offset the expenses of the podcast.
For as little as five dollars a month, you can help support my cause and keep the podcasts coming far into the future. Your ongoing support will encourage my ongoing efforts to keep delivering podcasts on The Magic Word. Please visit my page on Patreon to find out more on how you can become a supporting contributor. Visit
I am indebted to all of those who have chatted with me on these podcasts over the years and to all of you who listen, read and watch my offerings. But in particular, I am thankful for those special individuals who have generously provided financial donations to The Magic Word (TMW). These funds go towards offsetting the cost of website hosting for TMW, microphones, software, and late night scotch while I am preparing these podcasts. :)
I am sincerely grateful to those gracious benefactors who recognize and appreciate the time, work, effort and late-night hours that go into producing every posting. These podcasts are free to all and prepared with the intent of furthering our craft and exploring its many facets. It is a way of introducing you to those who at the epicenter of our craft, the movers, shakers and creators who give texture to the rich tapestry that is our heritage. These podcasts hopefully give a glimpse into what makes a good entertainer and move them from a beginner to a full-time professional and moving from average to memorable.
In an effort to recognize those who have given financial support to TMW, I have created a group called "Friends of TMW". I want to publicly acknowledge and thank each of you by listing your name below. Each member will also receive (via e-mail) a special Cyber Certificate of Appreciation, suitable for printing out and framing. For those who wish your contributions to remain anonymous, I will comply with your wishes and list you as such a benefactor with a number following "Anonymous".
Thank you one and all for your support, regardless of how much you choose to donate. No amount is too small or...well, too big. :)
Robert Lilly
Tom Becker
Michael Healy
Mike Kamlet
David Spring
Louis Hirshorn
Bob Hochevar
Michael Nguyen
Mark Doetsch
Rick Lax
Geoffrey Grimes
Nick Collins
Daniel Ray
Thomas Haskamp
Domas Paipulas
Ian Richards
Terrence Brunk
Ted Danger
Chuck Feltner
Ben Go
David McKnight
Matthew Jacobson
Sanjay Subramanyam
Johnny C - Podcast Angel
John Midgley
John G Magic
Wolfgang Wollet
Martin Harry Cohen
Jay A. Gorham
Jeff Lefton
DeWayne Izer
David Jones
Matthew Jaques
Michael Noonan
Dan Fleshman
Michael Jacobs
Jon Bowne
Willie Yee
Matt Habens
Jeff Pearson
Jay Zugai
George Reis
Jill Yeager
Wayne Houchin
Dan Franks
Jesse J. Panganiban
Michael W. McClure
Samuel Thielman
Orlando Ferrer
Michael Mode
Migz Rangel
Lance Burton
Brent Lipp
Mike Grant
Joyce Benjamin
Jessie Robinson
Mark Byrne
Chris Morrison
Ken Dickensheets
Andy Lackey
Garry & Janine Carson
James Dimmare
Uwe Sperlich
Richard “Rick” Herbert
Kevin Daniel
Ken Wheeler, Jr.
Mark Rich
John Custer
Thomas Mcdonagh
KC Ushijima
Ian Scheller
Charles Arkin
Joe Devlin
Timothy Hahn
Jay Frasier
Michael Collins
Richard Olson
Bruce Purdy
Roland Jarvis
Allen Lee
Daniel Norat
Richard J. Tracy
Gary Weimer
Kevin Wisch
Jim Fau
Kris Sheppard
Skip Way
Jake Austin
Gary Meyer
Mark Beyer
Joe Fox
Jeff Horton
Kevin Peel
David Sandy
Basil Barcome
Sean Doolan
Dan Raridan
Tom Yates
Charles Cisneros
Kent Dickason
Drew McAdam
Ted Schulman
Christopher Loss
Phillip Boruchowitz
Dwain Schenck
Greg Finch
Massimiliano “Max” Ghini
Robb Fischer
Barry “Baz” Seeley
Adam Turner
Stephanie Beach
Ryan Johnson
Sune Alexandersen Narud
Craig Fifer
Denis Bastible
Eugene Ng
Charles Morgan
Fred Kirchner
Gerry Costello
Mitchell Praver
Christopher Gartner
Steven Mains
Richard G. Brausa
Kevin Davis
Stephen Shultz
Peter McCann
Mark Pepelea
Nancy Anderson
Henry Treftz
Steve Lancaster
Clark Brian May
Sean Doonan
Andy Pierson
Richard Ingram
William Jacobson
Curtis the Mentalist
Carl Thornton
Larry Becker
Jeff Peterson
Thomas Moore
Hiram Norman
Al D'Alfonso
Erin Kabbash
Peter Hanway
Rajneesh Madhok
Andrew Falk
Dan Shedd
Chris Morrison
Andy Martin
Andrew M. Portala
Craig Blackwood
Jeffrey Davis
Dennis Wilson
Roy McBrayer
Don Hendrix
Phil Goodman
David Thornburg
E.S. Williams
Tony Baronio
Hanno Rhomberg
Rick DeNatale
Robb Peffer
Bill Smith
James Wade
Phil Ackerly
Geno Munari
Jonathan Hsu
Robert McEntee
Jeroen Wijs
Roger Gorss
Jon Barr
William "Bill" G. Flanagan
Bill VanGorder
Mark Pocan
Gene Protas
Richard Nunziato
Matt Alexander
Lewis Turner
Terry Greenwood
Michael Breggar
Kieron Johnson / LeFever
David Hira
Robert Taylor
Bruce Lish
Marc DeSouza
Burt Rosenbluth
Steve Sabo
Chris Fowler
Eric Citron
Philip Goodman
Garth Olson
Matthew Neely
Jim Hagel
Danny Cole
Scott Chistoffel
Thomas Fraps
Paul Amerson
Thomas Ellison
Peder Andersson
Dan Sclare
D.J. DeVaney
Brandon Hudgeons
Walter E. McGurn
Peter J. Cook
Markus Magnuson
Michael Trixx
Joseph Hanosek
John Gaspard
Bob Festa
Daniel Will
Sean Andrechak
Eric Roumestan
Steve Chezaday
Kris Ballance
Erick Olson
Justin Longshore
Jason Grech
Paul Nielan
Mark Paulson
Fred King
John McGrath
Hugh "Professor Hughdini" Knight
Vinny Grosso
Bo Zimmermann
John Graybeal