042: The Session 2012

Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin hosted the second annual Session convention in Cheltenham, U.K. on January 14-15, 2012. This is billed as the "U.K.'s Only Close-Up Magic Convention" and this year featured some really "knock-out" talent like Chris Kenner, Dani DaOrtiz, Wayne Houchin, Michael Vincent, Eric Jones, Christian Engblom, and many, many others.

Alex Rangel and Alan Rorrison attended this year's event and they talk about the experience on this episode of The Magic Word. And what an experience it was! Listen to their description of some of the greatest sleight-of-hand guys around plus what's new and what's hot. They also chat about the intimate seminar experience that must have been awesome. After listening to this podcast and if you want to learn more and don't want to miss next year's event, then visit their website at: http://www.sessionconvention.com/

The Session 2012
Scott Wells

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