069: T.A.O.M. Day 3 in Houston, TX

The third and final full day was jam packed with even more great lectures plus the performances of the professional close-up artists. And the evening show really rocked with The Rhythm of Magic, Losander, Danny Cole and Dani DaOrtiz all hosted by Eric Mead.

I chatted today with Craig Fillesetti about his company, Promystic (http://www.promystic.com/) that produces some of the world's finest and most reliable electronic equipment for the complete conjurer. They have a new product that is worth a look. Next I talked with Losander about the state of the economy in Las Vegas as it applies to magicians, plus some moral and ethical issues dealing with undercutting your fellow magicians. Oscar Munoz weighed in with his opinion of how the convention has been going. Just before our conversation, we learned that Past President Bob Karlebach had died earlier in the day. The conversation turned rather serious as we talked about our own mortality. Next we talked with Richard Kaufman about some of the rich history of Genii magazine (www.GeniiMagazine.com) and the 75th anniversary party for Genii that he is throwing in Florida (www.GeniiConvention.com). Richard also shared his veiwpoint and predictions of the print media as it relates to the magic magazine industry (do you think magic magazines only have about ten years left before everything is digital?) Then finally we did a wrap of the convention with Chip Romero, one of the performers at this year's convention who will be featured with his larger show in Dallas at next year's TAOM convention in Dallas, TX (www.TAOM2013.com).

Day 3 - 2012 T.A.O.M.
Scott Wells

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