083: Still "Zaney" After All These Years - A Chat with Walter "Zaney" Blaney

Here's a New Year's "Blast from the Past." On January 12, 2010, Geoff Williams was in Houston on a lecture tour. Several local magicians got together for a lunch with Geoff that included Richard Hatch, John Star, Bill Palmer and others as well as Tim Drake (from Canada) who was in town to visit Walter Blaney.

I took advantage of the situation and sat down with Walter after lunch for a short chat about some highlights of his life in magic including his efforts to thwart magic exposure and the eventual development of the World Alliance of Magicians (W.A.M.), some funny stories of things that have happened during his performances with his Ladder Suspention and the fascinating people he has performed for such as NASA astronauts from the Apollo and Mercury missions.

Walter is working on an autobiography that will be a "must have" for all magicians when it finally comes out. But the effort, like Walter's long and multi-faceted life, is time consuming that has been years in the making and may be several years more before it is completed. Perhaps you could drop him a note to tell him how much you enoyed this podcast and to encourage him to hurry up and get his memoires published. You can reach him at: Walter@WalterBlaney.com

Still "Zaney" After All These Years - A Chat with Walter "Zaney" Blaney
Scott Wells with Walter "Zaney" Blaney

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