046: Steve Trash on Character Development

This podcast was perhaps one of my easiest interviews and features someone who maybe talks more than me. Steve Trash, the "Rockin' Eco-Hero" visited Houston for a few weeks to perform on the Kid's Country Stage at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. You can read the article from the March 12, 2012 Houston Chronicle website at: http://bit.ly/wezWsj and you can view some pictures of Steve in costume and see him entertaining (and educating) audiences.

He has performed for over 27 years and developed a character that not only personifies his credo "Reduce - Recycle - Reuse" but he set the standard for solidifying the tangible, real life embodiment of what could otherwise be a difficult concept: the environment.

There are so many directions this interview could have gone and indeed it could have easily slipped into a multi-part installment highlighting his various facets. In this podcast, Steve talks a little about his background but more importantly, he discusses how he found his character and developed his passion. I think you will enjoy the many sides of this complex, and jovial Rockin' Eco-Hero...Steve Trash.

Steve Trash on Character Development
Scott Wells and Steve Trash

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