123: Roy Zaltsman - The Israeli Phenomenon

Roy Zaltsman is one of the world's busiest working mentalists shuttling from Israel to India to Spain to the U.S. and many countries in between for large Fortune 500 companies at their product roll-outs and company/customer meetings and training seminars. He was also one of the participants on the hugely popular Israeli television show, "The Successor" with Uri Geller, which spawned similar shows in other countries including here in the U.S. with the NBC show entitled, "The Next Phenomenon" with Uri Geller and Cris Angel..

Aside from teaching mentalism (and some really coo card tricks),  Roy also offers magicians an opportunity to learn "inside secrets" through his "Unpublished Magic Tutorials" from some of the top magicians and mentalists in the world. You can subscribe to receive new video tutorials plus see archived videos by visiting his website at http://telepatia.co.il/unpublished 

The video below is the most recent addition to the archives that was shot here in my recording studio at "Mystic Haven".

Candid photos of Roy during his lecture here in Houston. 

Candid photos of Roy during his lecture here in Houston. 

Roy passed through Houston, Texas as part of this limited, yet nationwide lecture tour between appearances at the Daytona Magic Festival and the MINDvention in Las Vegas.

In this podcast we talk about the use of disclaimers before a mentalism show, how to keep a mentalism show from appearing as a series of predictions, stories about Uri Geller, how Roy became a mentalist, his development of Unpublished Magic Tutorials,  and some of his philosophy on creating and what he teaches during his lecture.

Roy Zaltsman
Scott Wells

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Magic & Martinis Thursday

For those who remember our chat with Steve Trash located Here), he sent me a link to his new song "The Green Houdini" which is perfect for this 87th anniversary of Houdini's death. Steve really is the "Rockin' Eco-Hero". Once heard, it's hard to get this jingle out of my head. Scary!

Halloween cheers from Roy Zaltsman and Scott Wells.

Halloween cheers from Roy Zaltsman and Scott Wells.