Photos from Abbott's Day 4

The final day continued with excellent weather most of the day until the evening show when storms threatened but held at bay allowing a nearly full house of over 1,400 people to attend. In the picture below, you can play a little game of "Where's Waldo" with a rabbit. 

After the final show, most of the registrants went over to the elementary school where awards were given to the performers such as the Bill Baird Manipulation Award, the Clark Crandall Comedy Award and more. The picture below shows Gay Blackstone on stage receiving an honorary award.
The picture below shows Adele Friel Rhindress sandwiched between Jessica and Michael Blanco ("The Rhythym of Magic") who closed the Saturday night show. It is great to see an assistant from the Blackstone, Sr. show recognizing the new generation. For more information on booking The Rhythm of Magic, please visit:

The convention went out in style with people continuing to enjoy camaraderie into the early hours of Sunday morning.