085: MagiFest 2013 - Day Two

Day Two of the 2013 MagiFest included an afternoon session featuring short 15-20 minute T.E.D. (Technology, Entertainment, Design) like talks from five speakers. First up was Mahdi Gilbert showed us some mad skills that would be difficult for anyone but he doesn't have any hands; Eric Jones talked about Angle of Visibility; John Archer discussed overlapping comedy and magic in your act and finding the perfect blend; Tony Chang continued a talk on the importance of the angle of visibility, but from a "different angle"; and Justin Flom talked about the importance of generating video content on the internet.

Lecturers included Troy Hooser and Justin Flom. The evening shows were again split between two rooms with Simon and Ginny Arronson presenting their two person mind reading routine, "It's the Thought That Counts" with the other room hosting a one hour show by the incredible card genius, Dani DaOrtiz. The late night lecture was Simon Lovell.

I started off the the day by catching Doug Conn and Scott Robinson in the hallway for a short chat about the convention and what they've been up to recently. Then I sat down with Jep Hostetler, who was the Director of the MagiFest for 29 years, and with his successor, Ron Spangler. They talked a bit about the history of the MagiFest and how good they feel that it is now in good hands and going in a new direction after all these years.

I received good feedback from Facebook saying that you wanted to hear and interview with Eric Jones. Well, you asked and you got it. Eric and I found a quiet nook to chat for a while. He gave me a recap of the T.E.D. talk he gave earlier in the day plus he told me what he's up to now and what his long term plans for his career. You might be surprised to hear his ten year plan.

MagiFest 2013 - Day Two
Scott Wells with Eric Jones & Others

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