006: A Few Moments with Josh Norris, The Magic Session

During a quick break between activities at MAGIC Live! in Las Vegas, I had a chance to chat with Josh Norris about The Magic Session (TMS) website. If you are not familiar with this website and the absolutely stunning array of talent and sense of community he has created here, then take a few minutes to get caught up to date and feel the buzz.

TMS is the online center for magicians world wide to share ideas,  interact with other magicians, and find inspiration for their magic.  Our goal is to set the highest quality and standards of magic and thinking while making it available for magicians around the world.  If you search for serious thoughts about the art, interaction with the top artists in the field, and a place to explore ideas for your magic online, then The Magic Session is the place for you! Check it out at: http://themagicsession.com/

Josh Norris - The Magic Session
Scott Wells

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