One of the “underground” guys who may be so far underground, that many of you may not know this gentleman nor the extent of his expertise. Mild mannered Microsoft business executive by day, Scott Robinson is a powerhouse of a prestidigitator and the organizer of the annual TRICS convention (an intimate conclave of conjurors) in Charlotte, North Carolina. He also is the dictator or “Scott-tator” of his “Sleight Club” where like minded creative magicians in his area congregate to share what they are working on and get advice on how to develop the trick and routine.
This week Scott Robinson talks about his Carolina Close-up Convention, TRICS, as well as his Sleight Club. In particular, he gives some great ideas on how others can replicate the success of Sleight Club in their own areas. Scott and his wife adopted an autistic son who he talks about in this episode, too.
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