In response to another listener’s request, this week we try to demystify the judging process for the World Championships of Magic, F.I.S.M. To do so, we make a visit with three leading proponents who may hold the keys. First up is Noel Britten, President of The Magic Circle in London, England. He gives great advice on what one should consider before even entering a competition. And from Las Vegas, Nevada, Past National President of the S.A.M. and Contest Chairman, Vinny Grosso, tells us about the preliminaries that one must hurdle to compete in the world championships. Then from Paris, France, Boris Wild, a F.I.S.M. winner himself and current head of the F..I.S.M. jury, sheds some light on the subject.
Vinny lets it all hang out on stage! Check out his comedic magic, as he gives Howie Mandel a revealing look into his act.
F.I.S.M. has gone through changes to its judging rules and requirements for competing. In this week’s episode we try to learn what has changed and what contestants should expect the jury (judges) to look for in the competitions. Moreover, the suggestions made by Noel Britten should be required listening for anyone considering entering any magic competition regardless of how far you want to take it.
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