Mark Mason (JB Magic) always has the most people at his booth in the dealer room at magic conventions. I think that some convention organizers intentionally put him in the back of the room because they know people will be drawn through the room to get to his booth.
Mark Mason was to have been the Guest of Honor at this year’s F.F.F.F. 50th annual close-up convention. But that convention was canceled until next year. But had it occurred, then I would have recorded this episode “live and in person” with him in New York. As it happened, we used Skype for this conversation. This week we chat with Mark about his magical roots in Blackpool, England and what brought him across the pond to reside in rural Florida. We also talk about how he creates, designs and markets some of these ideas that become “must-haves” by every magician. He regularly consults with Bob Swadling who also moved from the U.K. and now resides within a 30 minute drive from Mark!
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