If Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allen Poe joined forces to create a museum, gallery and retail store, then it would look like The Wilde Collection. Nestled in The Heights, a suburb near downtown Houston, this eclectic emporium of the eccentric is more than macabre. Lawyer B. Douglas, the artist-in-residence, manager and one of the proprietors, creates some of the most unusual objects 'd art that you can imagine. Well, I doubt you could imagine like him. For many of his creations come from his...nightmares.
One can spend hours at The Wilde Collection perusing through all of the unusual pieces in every little nook and corner. Some of the items are sold there on consignment from other artists and collectors while other pieces are creations of Lawyer and still others are not available for sale, but there for observing. In a way, it's kind of like visiting the home of the Addams Family.
This special Halloween podcast focuses on the Wilde Collection and its curator, Lawyer B. Douglas for a variety of reasons. There are several things that drew me to recording this podcast not the least of witch...I mean, "which" is that Lawyer is also interested in Bizarre Magic, of course. Another reason this is being featured is because of the seance that they will host on Sunday, October 30th. I was to be involved, but due to another performance engagement, I couldn't make it, but my cohort in the occult, Jamie Salinas, will conduct the seance. It will be for a limited group of 80 living souls who will try to contact the "Willow Witch" of The Heights. If you would like to contribute to the "legend" of the "Willow Witch", then please visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/thewildecollection/ and tell your story.
Owner, Lawyer B. Douglas gives us a tour of the Wilde Collection in The Heights near downtown Houston, TX
Time Stamps for this podcast:
00:03:46 - Lawyer B. Douglas talks about his background being born of a Mexican mother (who is a Curandero) and brought up Catholic and an African American father who has several voo-doo priestesses on his side of the family. After you hear his story, then you can better appreciate where he is coming from and how he came to hold the beliefs he now has. But Lawyer also talks about how he became to learn and enjoy "Bizarre Magik", too.
01:05:53 - "Burn Notice by Takel" is a switching device for a folded playing card and highly recommended.
01:09:31 - "At The Table with Andi Gladwin" is a wonderful lesson in how to get more gigs by using marketing tips to upgrade your website and use social media plus approaching groups, wedding magic and of course, a few great tricks sprinkled in for good measure. Recommended
01:13:30 - "Cold Cash by John T. Sheets" from Kozmo Magic is a wonderful DVD (including the necessary something to make the gimmicks) that is well worth the price to perform a transformation of currency in the hands of your volunteer. Recommended.
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