This week we learn more about Scott Wells, the host of The Magic Word. In response to listenerswho have asked, "who is this guy?", the mystery is uncovered. Scott's friend and colleague, Jamie Salinas, hosts this episode and asks the questions that many want to know on Scott's background and what makes him qualified to produce this podcast and how he knows so many magicians.
More than a friend, Scott is a colleague who is a professional magician who has personally known and/or worked with many of those being interviewed. Also, he has shared experiences in the many performing venues as the guests on the podcast.
This is a little embarrassing to talks about myself for so long. I hope that those of you who are interested will enjoy it while most others will overlook this and move on to the more interesting chats in the Archives. I thank you for listening and subscribing to The Magic Word Podcast. If you enjoy it, then please subscribe and share the links with your friends. Also, you can follow me on Instagram at #ScottWellsMagic and Twitter @MagicWordPod and Like us on Facebook at
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Thank you to the many people who responded and entered the contest, but only three lucky winner's names were drawn. Congratulations to David Kubiak, Orlando Ferrer, and Jon Barr. For those who are interested in receiving a copy, I will run a special through the end of September 2016 where you can buy a set of lecture notes at 25% off the regular price. For a limited time, you can buy a copy for only $15.00. This is a digital, immediate download of my PDF lecture notes. Please order through this link: and click on the link to "Alternate Streams of Revenue in Magic"