Today began the first day of the Big Three events. This breaks up the registrants into three groups divided by colors. For the next three days, each color group will attend one of the following events: a One Man Show by Fielding West; Kid Show Workshop featuring Mike Bent, or; the Close-up show featuring Eugene Burger, Tony Chris, Mike Dardant, Curtis Kam, Peter Samelson and Diamond Jim Tyler. The afternoon continued with Day Two of the stage contest (which as a judge I must say this is one of the strongest competitions I have ever seen with contestants from all over the world: China, Japan, Russia and more).
The evening stage show was quite unique in that all the performers were named Mike. Michael Finney was the emcee who introduced Michael Douglas, Mike Bent, Mike Chao (standing ovation), Mikael Szanyiel (standing ovation), Michael Giles, and (what could be more perfect) Mike Michaels. After the evening show we retreated to the banquet hall for the third and final night of the movie showings complete with popcorn. Tonight it was "Play Dead" with Todd Robbins. Todd opened the floor to a Q&A after the movie.
Time stamps for this Podcast:
00:00:10 - Joe Gold and Tammy Caplan, Co-Directors of the feature film, "Desperate Acts of Magic", join me to talk about making the film and some of the trials and tribulations behind the camera. They also suggest ways for local magic clubs to host a "movie night" to view the film by going through
00:19:20 - Multiple winner of close-up contest awards, Michael Dardant, talks about working the streets of New Orleans and how he worked towards and achieving his goals.
00:36:24 - Mike Bent talks about comedy, creativity and kid show magic.
00:49:08 - For nearly 35 years, Nicholas Saint-Erne was involved with the Magic Seminar that later became the World Magic Summit. Here he talks a bit about those years of experience and working with Joe Stevens. But as a full time veterinarian and with the recent double lung transplant of David Oliver, Nick gives us some sound advice on care, feeding and handling of your animals and particularly your doves and rabbits.
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