Simon Lovell is in the Elmhurst Hospital in New York...and he's not happy about it. Joanie Spina is in Houston anxiously awaiting a donor for her lungs and liver. Each has their own health issues that have been widely reported on social media, but I know that many in the magic community are interested in hearing from them in their own words.
I spoke with Simon via Skype on the day before he left for the U.K. where he will be attended by his father. Randy Wakeman has set up a website where he is posting updates on Simon's status. Randy reported this morning (July 10, 2014) that Simon is back in the U.K. with his father. According to Tony Lovell,
"Simon has arrived safely. All OK but there is a long road ahead for both Simon and me. I am concerned about Simon and his appearance. As you say he is skeletal. We are going to the doctor on Monday - first steps in the road to recovery. Simon has promised that he will be totally honest with the doctor especially about his drinking!!!."
You can find updates from Randy Wakeman by Clicking Here. If you are interested in more details on Simon's status, plus if you are able to donate to the fund set up for Simon, then please visit his site. And here is a video of one of Simon's last projects, a short film called "Redemption" in which Simon plays the Devil. Typecast? Hmm.
Joanie Spina was awarded the Lifetime Achievement award from the Academy of Magical Arts at the recent banquet this past Spring. Many people got to congratulate her and tell her how much she has meant to them. And during the recent I.B.M./S.A.M. Combined Convention, over $5,500 was raised for her to help defray some of her extraordinary medical expenses. They will continue to accept donations in this account until July 31, 2014. You can donate funds today by sending it through PayPal to
She has recently relocated to Houston where she is now awaiting both lungs and a liver transplant. Daniel Summers has graciously provided her with a place to live during this waiting time plus he drives her back and forth to the hospital, as needed. He should be deeply thanked by the magic community for his wonderful, kind spirit. During this time, Joanie has been arranging for the disposition of her property in Las Vegas and many personal belongings in preparation of whatever happens next.
Walter "Zaney" Blaney, Daniel Summers, Scott Wells and Joanie Spina
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:01:26 - Simon Lovell talks about his "interment in Hell" though he seems to have retained his sense of humor while going through all this ordeal. Unfortunately the quality of the phone reception on his end was very poor. You will have to listen closely and you may even have to listen a second time I tried my best to clear it up, and the quality you hear is 100% better than the raw data.
00:34:07 - Joanie Spina gives us an update on her wait for lungs and a liver. She also expresses her appreciation to all those in the magic fraternity who have sent her prayers, emails, good thoughts and financial assistance.
00:46:02 - Walter "Zaney" Blaney was at the home of Daniel Summers while I was visiting with Joanie. He gives us a delightful story of when David Copperfield bought his Ladder Levitation. He also talks about the time he and Joanie first met.
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