077: Day 3 - MINDvention 2012 in Las Vegas, NV

Another MINDvention breezed by that will go down as one of the best yet. Danny Archer and Robert Allen always find some new twist for us each year. In the opening chat with Danny, he talks about this year's event but he also tips some stuff exclusive for our listeners such as next year's dates, a special Guest of Honor (hint: his initials are B.C.), a special contest that is in the making, and more.

After the convention, I took my roving Blue Microphone Mikey into Jake's Irish Bar in the Palace Hotel & Casino. I took a broad sampling from many of the attendees from this year's MINDvention. The overwhelming highlight seemed to be Satori's act this evening. It was spectacular. He came into the bar and I asked to chat with him on the record but he politely asked not to be interviewed because, he said, "Now is the time for everyone to talk about me, not for me to talk about myself." And indeed he was correct. Everyone was talking about him.

One of the friends I cornered was Colin McLeod who was another one of the hits of the convention. He compered the "2nd Masters of Mentalism" show this evening and did an outstanding job. In our half hour chat, Colin discussed a lot of stuff he didn't have time for during his regular lecture. So for those who wished they could have heard and learned more from Colin, then I know you will enjoy this podcast.

MINDvention 2012 in Las Vegas, NV
Scott Wells

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