Houston's Magic Island

Kathy and I were into our second week of our stage performance at Houston's Magic Island with our comedy show and two-person mind reading act. It was on Friday afternoon, September 12, 2008 that I received a call from the Magic Island saying that they would be closed that evening due to Hurricane Ike that was expected have landfall in Houston that night. They would notify me the next day if they would reopen for guests on Saturday night.

I knew that the dressing room already leaked so I went down to pick up our costumes. While I was there I thought I should go ahead and pack up my props and take them home. I live less that three miles from the Island so it is an easy chore to pick up and drop off props.

I awoke early the next morning around 2:00 when the sound and the fury of Hurricane Ike as it came through. It rocked our three story townhouse like we were back out to sea on one of our cruise ships. It tossed buckets of water against our windows sounding like waves against our portals. After things calmed down later that morning, we breathed a sigh of relief and gave a prayer of thanks that our neighborhood was spared except for the power outage that lasted about three weeks and affected hundreds of thousands of local residents. But there were certain parts of Houston that still had electricity including the Magic Island.

Later that Saturday afternoon, Kathy and I were watching the news on a battery powered portable television set. To our shock and surprise, the Houston Fire Department's (HFD) Hook and Ladder team were responding to a fire at the Magic Island. Apparently there was standing water on the flat roof that leaked into the neon lights on the outside of the building. The HFD arrived in time to save the Island from significant damage, but the high pressure hoses did more damage than the hurricane.

Empty and Abandonded places in Houston: The magic Island from a Flikr account. Click on the graphic above to see the current state of the Magic Island as of 2017.

Empty and Abandonded places in Houston: The magic Island from a Flikr account. Click on the graphic above to see the current state of the Magic Island as of 2017.

Insurance agents fanned out across the region and told people to clean up the damage as best they could because if left unattended, more mold and mildew damage could occur. Well, the Magic Island was long overdue for basic repairs (remember the leak in the dressing room I mentioned?) so all of the carpeting was removed. When the insurance adjuster arrived, I understand that they said they would pay for that portion that was damaged but not all of the carpeting throughout. Unfortunately their insurance would not pay for enough to bring the Magic Island back up to its former glory so it has sat vacant for all these years. I understand that some have looked into reviving the once fabulous landmark, but you can imagine how much repair would be needed now, nearly five years after Hurricane Ike. So, I believe that the property is worth far more than the building and it's now a "tear down". Hopefully someday someone will rebuild it. It is proven that such an entertainment facility can make it in Houston.


But the delightful thing is that before its demise, I had a chance to sit down with the Entertainment Director, Scott Hollingsworth to talk about the history of the Magic Island. And perhaps more importantly, I video taped the interview following his guided tour through the Island. Enjoy this one hour "never to be seen again" piece of history from the Magic Island:

088: An Hour with Paul Draper

Paul Draper is a deep thinker and a pleasant performer. He was an Anthropology Professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas so he knows how to teach. And he knows how to talk. Aside from having a grand, baritone voice that's perfect for radio and stage, he has a depth of wisdom and knowledge that he speaks from when he talks. During his stay in Houston, he had a lot to say and he said it all in this one hour chat that  covered the gamut from mentalism to the Magic Castle plus marketing tips and advice for the  young, aspiring magicians and mentalists. I know you will enjoy and learn from this  podcast.

An Hour with Paul Draper
Scott Wells with Paul Draper

Download the podcast in an MP3 file by Clicking Here  then right click to save the file. You can also download the MP3 media file directly from the RSS feed by Clicking Here.