Who knew? Alain Nu, that's who. Alain Nu has been quietly working as a professional mentalist for many years performing on the college circuit, at corporate events, on his own network television specials, aboard cruise ships, plus he even had time to write and publish one of Amazon.com's best selling books, "State of Mind: The Man Who Knows Reveals His Secrets".
During a recent and rare lecture tour of the U.S., Alain stopped by Houston where we shared the microphone to talk about a variety of topics including his advice for anyone who thinks they want to produce a TV special.
Alain talks about his TLC network television specials, "The Mysterious World of Alain Nu" and how he put together the show and how TV quickly "burn through" material and requires the entertainer to come up with more material including some "tent poles" which would be high points of the show that were dangerous and he had to "get through" without truly injuring himself but keeps people from changing channels during the commercial breaks and stopping the channel surfers. He gives lots of advice for those who want to perform on television.
He also talks about working with a manager to book you for a TV special, cruise ships, corporate events or on the college circuit. The secret: do a variety of things to grow your expertise, branding and experience as your Google ranking increases.
He also talks about how some movies have predicted technology that we now use; performing on the college circuit and who the competitors are today; his metal bending workshop; his philosophy on mentalism; what "powers" he presents in his performances; and, how he wants his audience to perceive him.
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Jim Jorgensen is the winner of the prize offered by Alain Nu, "ESP Arcana - Ten Amazing Effects for Ten ESP Cards" by H. Arcana. Be sure to watch and listen to The Magic Word for upcoming contests for free prizes.
Read Alain Nu's book for mind readers, magicians, and lay people on critical thinking.
Order your copy of the Kindle edition of Alain's book here.