As we wind down the #MagicCereal on this podcast and before Gregory Wilson returns to present his final comments, I thought it only appropriate to give voice to friends and business associates who know Greg best. They wanted to share their stories which radically conflict with those presented by the many who have already been given broadcast time to defend their accusations against Greg.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:03:00 - Dave Gripenwaldt talks about his 20+ year friendship and collaboration with Gregory on various projects and how they have worked together on Coffeehouse Conjuring and many other projects.
00:15:04 - Erik Casey (creator of "The Poker Test") and attests to the fact that he shared his idea for this with Gregory who offered nothing but encouragement that led to this effect getting marketed. And to this date, Greg has not accepted any remuneration for his assistance with the entire process (creative, marketing or otherwise). Erik is writing up the story on his blog which you can read by Clicking Here.
00:27:37 - Thom Peterson, The Amazing Guy, has been a long time friend of Greg's and seen and heard him in his creative mode. Thom talks about his experiences that attest to Greg's honesty.
00:41:44 - Danny Archer, business partner with Gregory in the Secret Source magic business, talks about why and how he became associated with Greg despite those who tried to dissuade him and tried to discourage him from going into business. Danny tells first hand stories about Greg's truthfulness, honesty and always choosing to do the right thing.
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Cologne, Germany - The global boom in mentalism has been taking place for a number of years. Many magicians are now incorporating mentalism effects into their performances. Many others are seeking information on how they can add mentalism effects to their shows. The Mind Summit catered to everyone from novice to expert who has an interest in the field of mentalism.