Looking for a book to read while under lockdown? How about enjoying the travels and travails of John-Ivan Palmer, son of the late “Master of Deception”, Jack Pyle. In this book, John (aka Jack Junior) reminisces about the post World War II days in the back of the car as they pulled their trailer back and forth across the country in search of the next gig. John talks about the many colorful characters who performed with his late father, Jack Pyle, and his adventures moving from one new school to another.
But the underlying theme of this book “Master of Deception” is John’s search for understanding his father’s undying love and passion of magic. Jack gained some level of fame (however you might describe that word) after being in several newspapers, appearing on television, in a cover article of TOPS Magazine, but most importantly, “earning his bones” on the road by traveling great distances just to keep his family alive and his passion intact.
Jack Pyle performs card magic on The Magic Palace.. Have more informaiton about this clip? Please let us know.
Ultimately Jack ended his final years in the Chicago land area and communing with friends like Ed Marlo and others in the Chicago Magic Roundtable. He performed in the Magic Castle and later in life found success as a trade show magician during the heydays with Dick Ryan and others. If you would like to take a peek at a “life on the road” from the perspective of a traveling magician of the 1940’s and 50’s era, then you may want to check out this book.
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