Jamie Allen is known as the iMagician and the “High Tech Houdini” who brings magic into today’s age using modern technology. His stage show is unlike traditional magic shows and even some of the classics in magic (i.e. sawing in half, sub trunk, and the zig-zag) have all been updated with original twists and video introductions that give some entertaining and historical background on some of those effects. He also uses Augmented Reality (A/R) to perform some of his close-up effects that are projected on the big overhead screens.
Jamie talks about what it’s like performing magic in today’s age with interest in high-tech and how he develops magic for today’s world and today’s audiences. He also talks about the “stigma” associated with performing on cruise ships ,traveling with a stage show, the changes in venues and audience’s tastes in the U.K. He also talks about the changes in the cruise ship industry as it affects magicians.
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