Young German filmmaker Hans-Joachim Brucherseifer was bitten by the magic bug and jumped into the deep end right away. His undergraduate thesis for a film was on a search for the covert mystery man known as S.W. Erdnase. Thanks to a Kickstarter campaign and the German Film Board, he is raising money to produce a docudrama called, “Looking for Erdnase”.
American filmmaker Jim Davey has a similar film in production called “The Expert” which has a different perspective. Jim’s film will be more interviews whereas Hans’ film will have scripted vignettes based upon stories, documents, letters and conversations. Both documentaries are targeted to an audience who loves mysteries.
You can listen to the conversation with Jim Davey from the archives by Clicking Here.
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This week we welcome Eugene Ng from Penang, Malaysia as the newest Friend of The Magic Word. Click on the banner above to find out how and why you should join the group. Thanks, Eugene, and thank you to all who are members of the Friends of The Magic Word. Your support is what keeps this podcast going.
This campaign ends on March 25, 2019. Please consider supporting this film with your financial pledge. Visit the Kickstarter campaign at: