Richard Hatch is the “H” in the “H&R Magic Books” along with business partner Charlie Randall (the “R”). Richard is also a scholar of magic history and has often been featured at conventions like the “Los Angeles Conference on Magic History” and “MAGIC Live!” talking about his research into the identity of the mysterious S.W. Erdnase, author of “Artifice Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table - A Treatise on the Science and Art of Manipulating Cards” but perhaps better known as “The Expert At The Card Table”.
In this week’s podcast we share the first of a two part podcast with Dick Hatch where he talks about the development of H&R Magic Books and his association with Karl Fulves and Walter Graham plus his exhaustive search for the person who was the author of the iconic book on card handling that influenced not only the “Professor”, Dai Vernon, but also generations of card magicians. Richard Hatch - Deceptionist Rosemary Kimura Hatch, Violinist For more information about classes, performances or to schedule an interview or a free introductory violin class, please call us now at 435-932-0017 or email us at Taro-san the Fisherman and the Weeping Willow Tree by Richard Hatch, illustrated by Andras Balogh and translated into Japanese by Yukishige Kadoya can now be purchased from the Hatch Academy:
Time Stamps for this podcast:
00:04:43 - Richard Hatch talks about the formation of H&R Magic Books, his association with Walter Graham in publishing the book on Hofzinser, some discussion on Karl Fulves.
00:42:55 - Dick talks about his search for S.W. Erdnase
01:21:46 - Product Review: Unseen by Manoj Kaushal - aside from the fact that the effect is not exactly like it’s advertised, there are a lot of problems with this trick. Not recommended.
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