This week we have a unique podcast. Join along with The Magic Word as we attend a Surprise Party (or rather Surpri"Z"e Party with the "Z" for "Zaney") held a week after his actual February 11th birthday. This was hosted in the home of one of his three daughters, Shannon, who lives across the street from Walter. Walter's eyesight is not what it used to be and he has to nearly be right up on you before he can recognize you.
We had a few surprises for the guests, too, including the presentation of an I.B.M. Presidential Certificate, a baritone horn performance by one of Walter's relatives, a couple of songs by his grand daughter, a banjo performance, and a Skype call by one of his admirers who couldn't make it...David Copperfield.
David Copperfield pays tribute to Walter "Zaney" Blaney at the dedication of the Walter Blaney Exhibit at the David Copperfield Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts in Las Vegas.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:03:45 - Walter is surprised.
00:06:40 - David Hinkin presents Walter with a special Presidential Citation from Bob Patterson, International President of the I.B.M.
00:08:51 - Tim Drake and Daniel Summers talks about putting this together plus the special exhibit Tim created in David Copperfield's museum.
00:12:41 - Walter's daughter, Becky Blaney, invites us into the living room.
00:13:03 - Jeff Lanes talks about the S.A.M. awards that have been conferred on Walter.
00:14:50 - Walter "Zaney" Blaney talks about being surprised and enjoying the celebration
00:19:44 - David Copperfield joins us on Skype to pay homage to Walter.
00:30:28 - Scott Hollingsworth, Entertainment Director of the former Magic Island, talks about when Walter was in his "hey day" and the development of his Ladder Levitation.
00:35:24 - Walter's daughter and professional magician, Becky Blaney, talks about her dad and what it was like growing up with him.
00:40:03 - Mark Holstein chats about Walter being a pioneer in the trade show business with Marshall Brodein.
00:45:35 - Product Review - Project Swiss Army by Brandon David and Chris Turchi. A gimmicked deck of cards and card box does a variety of amazing thing. Recommended.
00:49:30 - Product Review - NeoMix by Jim Krenz. Specially printed cards used for the conclusion of an "Oil and Water" routine. Recommended.
00:53:34 - Starlight by Chris Perrotta. A beam of light from a borrowed mobile phone shines through a selected card and the card's value is seen as a spotlight through the card. Recommended.
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