TC Tahoe is much more than a comedy magician. Currently hailing from the Sunshine State of Florida, TC is also an illustrator and a card reader. Yes, he has skills with playing cards, but I’m talking about Tarot cards. One of the skills he learned at a young, impressionable age was how to read Tarot cards and that has stuck with him all these years. TC has been nominated by the Academy of Magical Arts on multiple occasions for multiple awards but has yet to take home a coveted prize other than “also ran.” Oh well, perhaps some day. He has also worked at both Magic Island locations in California and Texas.
This week’s podcast video on YouTube.
This week TC Tahoe talks about his experience of performing at the Magic Islands in Newport Beach, California, and in Houston, Texas. TC is known to many people for various reasons. To some, he is a comedian. To others, he is an illustrator. Still others, he is a Tarot card reader. In this episode, he discusses all of these “hats” he wears and how he came to be where he is and how he does what he does so well.
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