Thursday 20th January 2022
5:00pm - 10:00pm Dealer’s Room Open
6:00pm - 7:00pm Jason England Lecture
7:00pm - 8:30pm Garrett Thomas Show and Lecture
9:00pm - 9:45pm Matt Holtzclaw One Man Show (suitable for 14 and up). Hosted by Michael Kent.
9:00pm - 9:45pm Youth Program Welcome Event
10:00pm - 11:00pm Mike Pisciotta Lecture
Magic and Martinis Thursday Virtual Happy Hour from the Magifest in Columbus, Ohio.
Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:17 - Scott Wells takes off from Houston for his trip to Columbus, Ohio and the MagiFest
00:03:33 - Organizers Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin talk about what we might expect at this year;s MagiFest and why it will be different from past and future events.
00:12:46 - Mike Powers is a frequent registrant at the MagiFest and he tells us why
00:21:49 - Shawn Popp from Denver, Colorado and Cosmo Solano from Colorado Springs, Colorado discuss the upcoming MINDvention and Cosmo’s new magic theater.
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