Author, Creator, Musician, Magician, Collector, and Multi-Lingual "bon vivant" Bill Palmer is an all-around nice guy who is more than just a little knowledgeable on nearly every topic. Hence the reason that I refer to him as a Renaissance Man and not just from his 25 years of appearing as Merlin the Magician at the RenFest and Scarborough Faire. Bill was also the translator of German to English of magic books by Punx, Borodin and Ted Lesley. Many of you know Bill Palmer's name from being the owner and curator of the Cups and Balls Museum. And although he has relocated, he is still collecting and looking to display his collection in his new home.
On October 24, 2006, Bill Palmer gave us a tour of his Cups and Balls Museum. This video opens with a discussion of how Bill started his collection and how it grew.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:05:35 - Bill Palmer gives us a mini-lecture about loving your audience, the development of his Merlin the Wizard character, his association with Ted Lesley and Punx, translatingmagic books from German to English, and more.
01:06:34 - As an addendum to our chat where Bill talks about his cups and balls collection and the status of where iti is now, plus insights on collecting in general.At the end of our discussion, Bill suggested an interesting book about collecting which was written in 1852. You can download a PDF copy of "Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions by Charles MacKay" by Clicking Here.
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