In honor of Guy Hollingworth being the cover story in the March 2019 issue of Genii Magazine, this week we feature a chat with Guy. After the 2019 MagiFest in Columbus, Ohio, concluded and the day following his Sunday workshop (after he had a good night’s rest) we sat in his hotel suite for a relaxing chat on the development of his classic stage act, his creative thoughts on brainstorming ideas, and his one-man show, “Expert At The Card Table”. I thought this would be a nice follow-up to the conversations broadcast over the past three weeks about the search for S.W. Erdnase. And don’t be deceived by the title of this podcast as we are not talking about another search for Erdnase or exploring the book, but rather we are referring to Guy’s 2011 one-man show and of course his extraordinary talents as a card man.
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For more about Marshall Brodien, click on the graphic above to visit the blog with video, photos, and a podcast. And for his obituary written by his lovely bride, Mary, Click Here.