David Sandy does indeed produce. He does what he says. He produces and delivers results. But beyond that, he is a successful producer not only of his own show in Performing Arts Centers across the U.S. performing magic with major symphony orchestras, but he has also produced shows for several other artists, most notably, Tom Mullica as "Red Skelton".
America's FUNNIEST Tribute Show, Tom Mullica as "Red Skelton" produced by David Sandy.
Guess who's coming to the Workshop Revival?
Time Stamps for this Podcast:
00:04:27 - David Sandy talks about Faucett Ross, producing shows for Tom Mullica, Darren Romeo, and others plus producing various conventions.
01:08:48 - Jeff Prace "The Seach Engine Pen" product review - Recommended
01:10:57 - Steve Mayhew "Totally Whacked" DVD product review - Recommended
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