Ken Weber is the President of Weber Asset Management and also a mentalist, magician, consultant and author. This week we chat with Ken about these latter job descriptions. Ken has performed aboard cruise ships and as a young man in the Catskills of New York. He was an early member of the Psychic Entertainers Association (P.E.A.) and frequent attendee at MINDvention and other mentalism conventions. He authored “Maximum Entertainment” that was updated and re-published as “Maximum Entertainment 2.0.” More than just a reprint of the original, there is much more material added to the new book.
We have had Ken on this podcast from time to time as part of the content from a few magic convention reports in the past. But in this episode, we finally get to sit down and have a proper conversation about his book, “Maximum Entertainment 2.0” as well as some tips that he suggests when he is consulting with some of the top pros in the business. He has some good advice that will benefit you whether you are a close-up or stage magician or mentalist.
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Click on the banner above to visit the website for more information on this convention. You don’t want to miss it. The talent line-up is incredible. Why travel thousands of miles to attend a “national” convention when you can see some of the same stars (and more) in the heart of the country?