David Charvet is a noted historian of our art and well-known for his uncanny portrayal of the late Harry Blackstone, Jr. David is not only a performer and historian, but an author of several books including biographies of Alexander, Willard the Wizard, Emil Jarrow and others. He has trouped with Stan Kramien and worked with many of the greats in magic showbiz. You can hear David's scholarly talk about Willard the Wizard that he gave to a select group at the recent T.A.O.M. convention by Clicking Here. His talk begins at about 00:27:00 into the podcast.
"Divided We Stand: The Story of Sawing a Woman in Half" at MAGIC Live! David Charvet recreates Harry Blackstone Jr.'s Buzz Saw Illusion. August, 2011 at the Orleans Hotel, Las Vegas. Assisted by Melanie Kramer, Bill Smith, Allen Bracken and Ron Anderson. Hosted by Mike Caveney.
Time Stamps for this podcast
00:05:45 - David Charvet talks about Harry Blackstone, Jr., Willard the Wizard, Ade Duval, Stan Kramien, Peter Reveen, Doug Henning, Mark Wilson, Emil Jarrrow, and more legendary greats from the past.
01:15:08 - Product Review "Fall" by Banachek and Philip Ryan. A psychokinetic Sharpie that falls of its own accord. Recommended.
01:21:30 - Product Review "Jumping Gem Pen - Eye Exam" by Jeff Prace. A cute use of the Paddle Move using a couple Bic Pens with writing on them.
01:24:38 - Product Review "Nitrate" by Cameron Francis. A variation on Max Maven's "B-Wave" that is a winner. A multi phase close-up, walkaround trick that I highly recommend.
01:27:14 - Product Review "Gift Card" byt Constantinos Pantelias - A "Gift Card" clipped to a playing card but when the paper clip is removed, the playing card has changed.
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