Mercer Helms is a retired dove magician, though he shouldn’t be “pigeon-holed” like that (pun intended). He has retired to Houston, Texas after a long and illustrative career in Los Angeles California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Many years ago he continues to work in and around Houston due to his wife’s failing health. We frequently worked together at Houston’s Magic Island where he was the opening dove act and much loved by the audiences.
You can view a video of him performing his dove routine on the website by Clicking Here
In this week’s episode, Mercer talks about his relationship with Phyllis Diller, how they came to know each other, a few “tales from the road”, plus what it was like working in the old circuit that included the Catskills and old Las Vegas. Mercer was also the subject of a 2015 newspaper article which you can read by Clicking Here.
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The Magic Book Shop: This week our sponsor is offering listeners the chance to win a copy of Daryl’s “Ambitious Card Omnibus” on their website. A winner will be drawn on March 15, 2020. Also, you will receive a 15% discount on ALL purchases just for listening to The Magic Word Podcast. Just put in the promo code: magicword