Four years ago, William Watt left a lucrative career as a corporate entertainer in Paris, France, to live on the remote island of Mauritius. It is a tourist destination and he seemed to have found his “pot of gold” there. But it seemed like a crazy ides that paid off. William in the sole magician on the resort island performing for tourists nightly. He also has plans to open a small theater featuring close-up magic. But you need to listen to this episode for all of that and more.
To watch this week’s episode, you can visit our YouTube channel. William also performs a magic trick during the last ten minutes of this video which is not included in the audio podcast.
This week we learn a bit of geography as we (or at least “I”) learn where Mauritius is located plus we hear William’s thoughts on theory of magic, performing, marketing, using business cards, and making life-changing decisions.
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