Mario the Magician or Mario the Maker is a most fascinating, inspirational creator. Although he has been “makin’ it” for a number of years, it wasn’t until I saw him perform at the 2018 MagiFest that I immediately became a fan. He has the “it” factor that endears him to an entire audience spanning age and audience size. He is just as engaging at a small birthday party as he is in an auditorium. And more than just a magician, he creates magic using electronics and encourages youth to get involved in science and math and learn to create their own magic.
He suggests that everyone (but youth in particular) attend Maker Faires (the worlds largest “show and tell” forum) to see what others are doing and to create things themselves. These Faires are held all over the world and somewhere near you. Other websites he suggests include which allows children to design their own 3D designs. is like Google for creating 3D projects.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:05:48 - Mario Marchese talks about Maker Faires, encouraging youth to create, travel problems with TSA with all of the electronics he carries onboard, arduino kits and how you can create a server motor, inspirational magicians like Del Ray, scripting, creating and more.
00:59:54 - Product Review: “Runaway Joker” by Peter Nardi and produced by A clever card trick where the Joker and his bicycle (disappears” from the car and ends up on the back of the selected card. Recommended.
01:02:31 - Product Review: “Four King Miracle” by Henri White and produced by Two single Jokers turn into the four Kings. Clever idea that seems like this should have been invented many years ago. I like it and recommend it.
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