"Now You See It with Scott Wells" is a TV Talk Show format for magicians. It is something different that Scott has been doing at magic conventions. Imagine something like "Late Night with David Letterman" or "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" or Johnny Carson but the guests are magicians. The guests are pulled from the talent featured at the convention who are often good friends of Scott's and whom he has known some time. It allows for the opportunity to chat openly about personal matters rather than being the standard interview-type chat like you would expect on "Actor's Studio".
Each show is dynamic and different as it is completely unscripted and is dependent upon the personalities, the direction of the conversation, and the interactions among the guests. It is not a panel discussion or a Q&A from the audience. It gives the convention registrants an opportunity to "eavesdrop" on what might seem like conversations at a bar. It also "humanizes" the talent so the registrants feel comfortable approaching them throughout the rest of the convention by giving them "talking points" so they can perhaps follow up on one of the topics discussed.
Between the introductions of each guest Scott shows "magic-themed" commercials. These are professionally produced spots made by ad agencies from around the world that often feature many well-known magicians such as Penn & Teller, Harry Blackstone, Jr., Lance Burton, David Copperfield, Paul Daniels, Melinda and more.
This episode was filmed by Marc DeSouza (who also provided the voice-over introduction) at the Magicians' Alliance of Eastern States (M.A.E.S.) on September 30, 2011 in Cherry Hills, NJ. Scott's guests in this episode include: Denny Haney, Eric DeCamps, Jania Taylor and David Corsaro. It is a one hour video episode in a QuickTime (MP4) format so the file was compressed to be just under 100MB making the quality a bit low.
Scott Wells presents a fun, lively talk show at magic conventions featuring other magicians who are on the bill at that event. Imagine a late night television talk show except with all magicians, hosted by a magician, and you have an idea of what this is all about.
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