This episode is entitled "Passing the Torch" because Alan Howard will be the next Editor and Chief of the M.U.M. journal for the Society of American Magicians. The "torch" will be passed from Michael Close and, to continue the analogy, Alan is a juggler so he is used to passing torches...literally.
We had the opportunity to chat with Alan Howard when he was in Houston for the memorial service for long time friend, John Moehring. Alan traveled from Florida just for this special occasion to honor his friend, and former Editor of the M.U.M.
John Moehring "Celebration of Life" Slideshow produced by Gary Plants.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:05:55- Alan Howard reflects on his friendship with John Moehring then talks about his work as a juggler, his work as an editor for "Juggle" magazine, and his upcoming job as the new editor for M.U.M. magazine.
00:35:27 - Charlie Randall, of H&R Magic Books, reflects on his friendship with John Moehring.
00:44:02 - Product Review: "MoneyMorphosis" is a "self-folding bill" effect where the bill morphs into an origami butterfly. Recommended.
00:50:38 - Product Review: "Cool Beans" by Paul Brook - loyalty cards from coffee chops that have stamps and built-in mentalism tricks. Recommended.
00:53:32 - Product Review: "Loyalty" by Paul Brook - key fob tags with bar codes and company names and logos which you can predict. Clever ideas on this one. Recommended.
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