The name of Daniel Summers has come up on more than one occasion on this podcast. So, I thought it is time that we talk with this person who started as a ventriloquist, then became a cruise ship performer, college entertainer, hypnotist, “phone room” marketer, creator and builder. Dan is all of these plus a pretty nice guy and friends to many in the magic world. His original illusions are performed all over the world by all of the top illusionists including David Copperfield, Greg Gleason, Hans Klok and others. He has had feature articles published about him in VANISH Magazine and in MAGIC Magazine, but it is high time that you get to hear his voice.
compressed illusion Daniel Summers performed by Papa Chico
Greg Gleason performing Daniel Summers “Cutting Edge” illusion on Masters of Illusion television show.
Lou Dupont, a ventriloquist who lived and performed in Las Vegas inspired Daniel Summers. (viewer discretion advised)
Dan talks with us this week about how his career could have taken a different turn had he decided to take the job of Cruise Ship Director. He also talks about his life on cruise ships in the early years, his work in theme parks, creating illusions, building illusions, telemarketing “phone rooms”, and helping Joanie Spina in her final days.
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