Sir Pat Trick came on the radar of most magicians at the 2013 MAGIC Live! convention when the late Joanie Spina gave a presentation about developing a stage persona. By example, she showed a video of one of her students who had submitted a video then she introduced us to Patrick Thernes who performed a completely different act with a totally new character. The transformation was evident and it led to Patrick achieving his lifelong goal of performing at the Magic Castle.
Patrick Thernes is today a performing magician but not with the same act we saw. He has also scaled back his performances in favor of producing and consulting other magicians and theater owners/producers.
From MAGIC Live! introduced by the late Joanie Spina.
In this episode, Patrick talks about his work as a classically trained actor and his transformation from his “old” character to his new one. He also reveals some personal information about that new character that has not been told anywhere before.
For more information and to register for this online, virtual convention, please visit:
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