061: Abbott's Get Together Day 3 - 2012

During a quiet moment of an evening party inside the lake house of Jerry Costello, Michael Mode chatted with me as we talked about the evening shows on Days 1 & 2 of the a 2012 Get-Together. We also talked with the party's host, Jerry Costello, about his annual party "Abbott's at Costellos". During the intermission of the evening's stage show, we had all too brief but poignant conversation with Dan Witkowski about major brand marketing with magic. After the stage show and outdoor fireworks show, we went back to the Legion Hall where we talked with Mark Holstein, Stage Manager, then concluded the evening with a chat with Andrew Michals, proprietor of Invisble Threads, a new line of clothing for magicians. You can find more information about his line at http://www.invisiblethreadsclothing.com/

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Photos from Abbott's 2012 Day 3

Day Three of Abbott's Get-Together was another beautiful, sunny day in southern Michigan. People were still coming in to Abbott's Magic Factory to pick up their registration packets. The bulk of their magic inventory, however, was relocated from the Factory to the dealers' room that was set up in the elementary school.

You never know who is going to show up at a Get-Together. Perhaps if I would have waited for the owner of this car to return, I could have solved an age old question.

Buskers fanned throughout the village to entertain the guests. One was appointed to the downtown area where the annual arts and crafts fair was taking place.

Jania Taylor (http://www.magicbyjania.com/) was assigned to the grocery store that had a throng of people who were there during the lunch hour for the Kiwani's Club benefit. They were offering lunch for $1.00 that included a hot dog, chips, soft drink and an ice cream sandwiich. You could order an extra hot dog for just 50 cents.

Michael Mode (http://www.magicmode.com/) was one of those who helped Jerry Costello with the "Happy Hour" party at Jerry's lake house that took place after Adele Friel's lecture and before the evening show. (Jerry is on the left and Michael is on the right).

You never know how people will be dressed for the Friday night show. Have you ever seen a dress made entirely from balloons? Never mind WHERE did she sit in the show last night. The question is HOW did she sit?

Following the evening stage show, the city presented an enjoyable fireworks show just outside the high school.