Lots of stuff again during this full day including the third and final day of the FISM North American Championships competitions. The early lecture was a 3D event featuring children show experts, Davie Kaye, Danny Orleans and Doug Scheer. The afternoon included a lecture by Christian Engblom. After the evening gala featuring the magic of Germany was a lecture by Xavier Mortimer followed by a late night show again by Richard Turner.
Available at http://www.dickbarrymagic.com/
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:02:09 - Danny Archer talks about his recent lecture tour and the upcoming MINDvention on October 12-14.
00:08:46 - Jim Steinmeyer brings us up to date about his new book project about Charles Morritt, plus his consulting on the hit Broadway show, Aladdin.
00:19:56 - Gabe Fajuri, Potter & Potter Auction, tells us about the upcoming auction on August 23rd featuring a lot of Houdini memorabilia.
00:23:21 - Bill Evans, Past International President for the I.B.M., was the emcee for the FISM North American Championships and I came on stage to chat with him in front of the whole audience in between the acts.
00: 45:43- Phillip Pound is the son-in-law of Pat Page and the photographer of the Page by Page book. Also joining us was Pat's daughter, Janette,
00:59:29 - David "Silly Billy" Kaye, was one of the lecturers from this morning. He has a book in the works that is a compendium of the 100 articles that appeared in his column in MAGIC Magazine.
01:12:20 - Rick Heath, poster artist for La Grand David show, tells us what it's like in the post-Caesaro Palez world.
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Magic & Martinis' Thursday
Joe Curcillo, Debbie Curcillo, Carol Garrett, Jim Cox, John Graybeal, Jarvis, Scott Wells & Kathy Wells