Another whirlwind day of activities and more surprises. The general session was hosted by David Deeble and included a surprise performance by James Dimare as he performed to new music that was especially composed and arranged for him by one of our speakers, Edward B. Kessel. Jorge Blass talked about his Facebook trick he sold to Copperfield; Wayne Houchin taught a couple tricks from his lecture; and Michael Carbonaro talked about his hit TV show, "The Carbonaro Effect". Another surprise happened when Michael brought a couple on stage and the man proposed to his girlfriend.
The "Focus" Sessions included a wonderful talk by Mike Caveney on "Classic Correspondence" which brought history to life; Martin Lewis teaching something new and something old; and the close-up clinic that featured a grab bag of great close-up pros teaching hands-on card tricks and featured Alan Ackerman, Jason England, Tom Frank, Jared Kopf, Chris Korn, Steve Reynolds and R. Paul Wilson.
The evening show I saw was David and Leeman which was very funny, but before that, we had several groups attend a half hour "experimental" event that had everyone interacting with a projection screen hosted by Richard Wiseman. It was quite entertaining.
A new levitation of a borrowed wine glass, full or empty
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:00:24 - David Hinkin along with Dick and Diane Olson recap yesterday's event over breakfast.
00:09:14 - Dave Magee talks about why he got off all social media.
00:19:56 - Dirk Losander and Michael Ammar talk about their newest projects and a new levitation trick that will soon be available.
00:29:00 - Peter Nardi, Alakazam Magic, talks about performing at weddings and restaurants in England.
00:45:45 - Paul Draper talks about being the Technical Director of the daily sessions and the challenges of putting it all together.
00:52:28 - Chuck and Jan Jones talk about his creation of various illusions like the MIsMade Girl and lots of stories about his travels and television experience including an interesting story about working with Orson Welles.
01:13:57 - Stan Allen talks about how things are going so far and what all they are doing to keep the surprises secret.
01:28:53 - Bill and Marlene Seagraves talks about this being convention from the perspective of first time attendees.
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