The "after-glow" of MAGIC Live! continued this week as I slowly came back to reality. It really was a fun convention, but like most of these events, it's the friends, both new and old, that make a convention truly magical. I was so pleased and flattered that so many people from around the world listened to my daily podcasts. Steve Bryant gave us a nice "shout out" on his August update of Little Egypt Gazette. And there was some nice "buzz" on the Genii Forum, too. But I was surprised to see the nice link from Hanno Rhomberg from Germany on his Blog. I can't read German, but I think it's complimentary. :) Thanks, guys.
And while we're on compliments, I was blown away by a recent email from John Graybeal. I don't think he would mind me re-posting this:
"My two kids just competed in the Midwest Magic Jubilee in St. Louis this past weekend. My daughter won 3rd place (She is 6) and my son did equally as well (he is 9). Both in stage magic. They were amazing!
"I will tell you this, if it was not for your podcast and information we would have never even thought about going to a convention and competing. After your show about the movie "Make Believe" (which I knew nothing about until then) we watched it and both my kids wanted to get on stage!
"Thanks again!"
First of all, congratulations to John's two children. And secondly...WOW, thanks for the email, John. It is due to comments and encouraging links like these that keep me going with this podcast. Well, that and the Magic & Martinis Thursday :) It was particularly appreciated last night because of their "relaxing quality" that I needed following my hand surgery earlier that morning. I had surgery on my right hand for carpal tunnel syndrome which is why it is taking me longer to type in this week's update because I have to "hunt and peck" on the keyboard.
Anyway, next week we will be packing for the annual Texas Association of Magicians (T.A.O.M.) convention in Dallas. Watch and listen for updates from Dallas next Friday. Until then...Cheers!
On The Magic Word website with my iPad and on Dan & Dave's new "Ultimate Deck"