Tom Frank crossed the U.S. on a major lecture tour in early 2017. While he was in Houston, Texas, I had a chance to chat with him about some of the things in his lecture plus some of the things that weren't. Tom performed on Universal Studio's "City Walk" for a number of years until he was bumped by Harry Potter.
Tom Frank lectured for the Houston Association of Magicians and took some time to sit behind the new microphones to chat with Scott Wells for The Magic Word Podcast. Be sure to listen to our chat at
Time Stamps for this podcast:
00:08:18 - Tom talks about the importance of "Back of the Room Sales", pitching, and how magicians are leaving money on the table; performing on the street; advice he received from Cellini; lessons he's learned while on the street and on the road; operating a brick and mortar magic shop; and more.
01:06:24 - Product Review: "Cube 3" by Steven Brundage is not a gimmicked Rubik's Cube, but it is a super smooth working model complete with an online instruction video and PDF. This is NOT a self-working trick but will require work to perform. Recommended.
01:11:44 - Product Review: "The Yarn" by Manuel LLaser (Vernet Magic) is a signed bill/card to ball of yarn. Recommended.
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