So many magicians. So little time. One of the biggest mysteries is how a week can disappear so quickly. Like putting lightning in a bottle, I captured some audio from several people, magicians, fans, a TV producer, and many more. Last year when I posted my week at the Castle, I kept it all in one podcast that ran over three hours. This year, I have even more content and decided to break it up in shorter segments.
This first part includes my conversation with the manager of the Nirvana Apartments (where many of the Castle performers stay), Don Lawton's widow, Joan Lawton, and Rafael Benetar, from Spain.
00:01:51 - Sue Dion, Resident Manager of the Nirvana Apartments talks about the historic building that is located across the street from The Magic Castle. They have four rooms leased for the purpose of lodging some of the performers each week. Sue gives us not only a bit of the building's history, but also talks about some of the "occupants" who refused to leave even after their death.
00:11:26 - Joan Lawton, publisher of the Don Lawton Autograph Book, talks about the early days of the Magic Castle when she was the receptionist at the door and spent many hours with former Academy President (and actor) Cary Grant. Joan is the widow of Don Lawton who was the congenial host and emcee at the Castle for many years. If you are interested in receiving an autographed copy of the Don Lawton Autograph Book, then you can order one directly from Joan by contacting her directly at:
00:24:03 - Rafael Benatar joined me for brunch at Greenblatt's in Hollywood where we talked about the Escuela de la Magiai (School of Magic). Rafael performed in the Close-Up Gallery last week and this week is appearing in the Parlour. We chat about his lecture, performance, and future plans.
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If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt!