Past International President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and one of very few recipients of the honored “Gold Cups” for outstanding close-up performance awarded by the I.B.M., Oscar Munoz has performed around the world and in nearly every conceivable venue from the Winter Garden in Blackpool, England to “Johnny’s” birthday party in his parent’s garage…and in the same week! This humble magician isn’t trying to make a name for himself, but he keeps going and going like the “Ever Ready Rabbit” as his achievements and accolades pile up in the wake behind him.
Featuring Oscar Munoz - Past International President and current Membership Chairman, sharing magic with his library audience
In this week’s episode, Oscar talks about some of his achievements and venues where he has performed. His live can be an example of how others could follow to “make a name” for themselves, too. The message being sent this week is that it is not through seeking fame that it finds you.
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