Jonathan Levit has accomplished so much for his young years. I believe he qualifies for the title of “Renaissance Man” because he not only performs magic, but also is an actor on television and film plus consulting to magicians and actors, television host, website and app developer, and more. He has many revenue streams which is essential to any magician who is looking to be financially successful.
Promotional spot for the seventh season episode "The Amazing Maleeni".with Jonathan Levit and Ricky Jay.
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Joshua Jay performs his effect, "Balance" on Masters of Illusion. Not depicted, but Joshua always, always has the objects thoroughly examined before performing this trick. Check out our Magic Store to order yours TODAY!
It was an honor to be on Penn & Teller: Fool Us. Penn & Teller are two of my magic heroes. In case you missed it, it airs again on Friday @ 9:00 PM on the CW.