Recognized as one of the top “bar magicians” in the country (if not the world), Doc Eason joins us this week from his home in Colorado. Doc was one of the house magicians at the former John Denver’s Tower Magic Bar and Restaurant in Snowmass, Colorado. He received “Best Bar Magician” by the Academy of Magical Arts and lectured around the world. After the passing of John Denver in 1997, the Tower soon thereafter closed and Doc took a little different direction as an after dinner motivational speaker.
This week’s podcast video on YouTube.
In this episode, Doc Eason talks about his career path that took him to Colorado and becoming the bar magician in residence in Snowmass. He has several stories about some of the shenanigans he has seen in the bar over the years, many of which will be going into a biography he is currently writing. He also talks about many of the people in his life along the way, like Eric Mead and Bob Sheets, who were pivotal in his life and career. He also shares some philosophy about life and a few emotional stories that you are sure to enjoy.
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